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Easy Weaving with Little Looms - Winter 2023

Easy Weaving with Little Looms - Winter 2023

Rigid Heddle - Pin Loom - Inkle

Regular price $7.50
Regular price $14.99 Sale price $7.50
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Almost as long as there have been people, there have been stories to explain the world and entertain. In this issue of Easy Weaving with Little Looms, we’re translating some of our favorite folk and fairy tales from around the world into a language we all love: weaving!

Easy Weaving with Little Looms is published by Long Thread Media, a respected authority in the handspinning, handweaving, and traditional needlework communities.


Burn After Weaving: Creative Destruction in Fairy Tales--Amy Harris Aber
Hunt & Gather: Running with Pruners (book excerpt)--Janis Thompson
String Theory: “Full” Disclosure: Wet-Finishing Woolens--Anita Osterhaug
The Ins, Outs, and Unders of Tapestry Weaving--Claudio Chase and Elena Kawachi
Linen Without Tears--Christine Jablonski

Bunyan Plaid Scarf--Yvonne Ellsworth
Snow Mittens--Brittany Wells
Arachne Napkins--Elisabeth Hill
Red Riding Hood’s Bread Cloth--Tammy Bast
Magic Beans Mug Rugs--Jennifer E. Kwong
Jack’s Shoulder Bag--Robin Lynde
A Scarf for the Hatter--Kellie Frances Reid
Arabian Nights Placemats--Christine Jablonski
Star-Crossed Lovers Scarf--Sun Kim

Champa Bag Strap--Shilpa Nagarkar
Cottage Wall Platter Hanger--Joan Sheridan
Pinocchio’s Suspenders--Joan Sheridan

Qiviut Cowl--Gabi van Tassell
Bunny Buddies--Deborah Bagley
A Lovable Hot-Water Bottle--Jennifer Chapman
Snow Queen Snood--Janna Ford
Mermaid Bag--Margaret Stump

Gingerbread Dishcloths and Bin--Malynda Allen

FINAL SALE - not eligible for return or exchange

Ships from Irvine, CA -- Orders placed before 4pm, M-F or before noon Sat will ship same day; all other orders ship next business day; any delay will be communicated via email.

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